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Gender : Varies from day to day
Height : 123cm
Weight : 12kg
Age : Unknown
Birthday : October 17
Personality : Silent, curious
Likes: Fish, rabbits, food
Dislikes : Water, snakes
First person: I (吾輩:wagahai)
Second person: human (or species)
Something like a cat.
Loves to imitate humans.
It can walk, but mostly floats and drifts in the air.
It disappears and suddenly appears like a cat in some other country.
He(She) is a very picky eater and puts everything in his mouth.
His eyesight is not very good, and the colors he sees seem to be different from those of humans.
He(She) shows more emotion through his actions than words, so although he is quiet, he is not quiet. Innocent.
He(She) puts his nose to his nose or his nose to his fingertips as a greeting in his own way.